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Trading With Forex – Where To Start


Have you dabbled in indices and shares, but feel it’s time to try something new? What about the Forex markets? Many have considered testing out the Forex markets to see how it works for them, but hesitate. Why is this? This is due to Forex often being talked up by traders as somewhere that requires you to have deep pockets as...


Make Money Writing & Selling Short Stories


If you are a writer or have strong writing skills and are looking to make extra money to help you out financially, writing a short story could enable you to achieve a generous income, be it part-time work that you require or additional work on top of your usual hours. Many authors think making money through writing can only be...


KashFlow Discount Code & How They Started


Are you a small business owner in need of an accounting and invoicing platform to simplify your finances? With an automated easy to use facility, Kashflow Software Limited provides effective online accounting software for all. Kashflow Software Limited began when CEO & Founder Duane Jackson, having started his first...


Peter Jones’ Tycoon in Schools


Tycoon in Schools, fronted by Peter Jones CBE allows students in school the opportunity to experience operating a real business. This involves processes such as generating a business plan and trading. The Tycoon in Schools is run as a competition and nationwide campaign encouraging children in Britain’s schools to learn about...


The Newest In Niche Businesses Presents a Baby Name Translation Service


If you have been wracking your brains trying to think of a new business niche, that no one else has thought of, you will be no doubt kicking yourself that you did not think of this one; a baby name translation service. The British based translation company aim to educate expectant parents wanting to name their child with a...


Did You Know You Can Profit From Police Auctions?


If you love a good bargain, rather than attending your usual auction room or paying eBay a visit, why not try a police auction? Buying items at Police auction can allow you as the highest bidder to walk away with a wide variety of goods at cheap prices. Whether you are looking for goods to keep, or goods to sell, here we have...


Make Money from Home, Starting Today


If you are looking for effective ways in which to earn some extra money, there are a variety of ways to achieve this. Whether you gave up your job to become a full-time mum, or you are currently unemployed, there are many money-making opportunities out there allowing you to make some extra cash, read on to find out what they...


HMRC Crack Down On Unpaid Tax Targeting Avon & Ann Summers Reps


It appears that the tax man is on a mission to reclaim unpaid tax from several groups of direct sellers. For many individuals, being an Avon rep or Ann Summers party host does not provide a big earning opportunity and may bring only a few pounds in here and there. Yet, these sales reps are now being targeted by HM Revenue &...


Discover the 9 Risk Types of an Entrepreneur


A recent psychological study has found that small business owners in Britain a more inclined to be risk-adverse and cautious, that that of the general public. Entrepreneurs are commonly thought of as nonconformist individuals that have a hunger for risk, yet research undertaken by Axa Insurance Company discovered that...


10 Reasons Why You Should Start A Home Business


1) Don’t Delay Start Today: If you have always wanted to start your own business, then stop making excuses! Working from home gives you so many choices, whilst allowing you to make a great profit. By beginning your business from home right away, you can start making money almost immediately. 2) Overheads Remain Low: By...