Internet Marketing Review

Reviewed by Richard on Jul 10
Summary: Neil Stafford and Neil Travers keep you up-to-date with all the latest Internet Marketing news.
Keep bang up-to-date with all the goings on in the world of internet marketing by subscribing to experienced marketers Neil Stafford and Neil Travers’ newsletter. Additional bonus materials supplied along with subscription.
Internet marketing is a big subject for any one product to cover and the two Neils – Neil Stafford and Neil Travers – have been publishing the Internet Marketing Review newsletters every month since 1999 with no sign that they’re running out of subject matter. Of course, the basics that you might learn at the beginning won’t have changed much but the IM world moves so fast that there is always something new to talk about, test or explain. You can use Internet marketing for:
- Affiliate marketing – where you sell other people’s products
- Selling your own information products
- Selling other ‘physical’ products online, even if you also have a bricks and mortar shop
- Promoting your existing business online
- Helping other people promote their business online
- And plenty more…
What’s This Business Opportunity All About?
There’s a lot of information about Internet marketing freely available when you know where to look, but not everything you find online is actually true or up to date. That means there can be a lot of sifting through the information, not to mention expensive trial and error, before you find out what really works right now. A service that brings together the best information, run by people with enough experience to make those judgements, is worth paying for. Add a lively and active forum and