Save Yourself A Ton of Money Using CashBack Sites

Reviewed by BizOpp Insider on Mar 13
If you frequently think to yourself ‘how can I save myself some cash?’ You’ll be pleased to learn that there are effective ways to get money back when spending it. With the use of cashback sites, you could save between £50 to £100 on your holiday flights and car rental for next to no effort.
If you are thinking ‘but do they actually pay up?’ that’s a completely valid thought, so let me put it simply… if you are currently not making use of such cashback sites, you are losing money. This is because cashback sites can be incredibly effective, but as with everything, it’s always worth choosing the best cashback sites on the market. In order to do this, you need to understand ‘what cashback websites are’. Well, read on to find out…
If every time you purchase something online, you gain a percentage of what you paid back – be it 5%, 10%, 25% or more – this is exactly what cashback sites do for you. They provide huge opportunities to gain discounts with trusted and well known retailers such as Sky, Tescos, Expedia and many more.
When utilising a cashback site, you are in effect utilising an affiliate link every time you buy and pay for an item or service, except the best thing about it is… the person that gets the reward is you! You essentially get commission each time you pay out.
The way it works is that once the money has cleared, it is routinely transferred back into your bank account. There is next to no effort expected on your part, so why miss out?
All you need to do is register for free, click on the links that are displayed when you wish to buy something, then when you have accrued enough for a pay-out, money will credit your account directly.
Once you get use to the process, you are sure to wonder why you never took advantage of this fantastic offer sooner. By adding just a few seconds to your purchase process, you could save yourself hundreds, perhaps even thousands of pounds a year.
Which Are The Best Cashback Sites?
So, now that you have familiarised yourself with the idea of using a cashback site – it is important to find out which cashback site is the most professional and also the most generous. Well, in fact there are two cashback sites that are far better than any other, especially in terms of; consistency, the services offered and the level of reward that you gain.
This particular site, accessible at has a fantastic range of retailers on board from the best names in fashion retailer to the tastiest food outlets and the biggest mobile phone brands to the greatest in satellite TV suppliers. When visiting the site you can read the member’s stories before even registering and discover how much money they each saved! It can’t hurt signing up, as not only is it free but it only takes a matter of minutes to do so and will allow you the opportunity to save hundreds of pounds. What’s more, Quidco provide a store cashback scheme, which is highly efficient.
This site, accessible at has many of the same retailers on offer as Quidco, but the perk of this particular website is that they offer more cash back in many cases, and the site is additionally that much easier to navigate around. Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from registering to both as you may find one site features a retailer that the other does not. What’s more there is no admin fee with Topcashback.
Comparing These Casback Sites
Quidco offers the ‘In-Store Cashback’ option which means you can gain cashback in the shop as well as online. Quidco provides the functionality for its members to register their bank cards online. This means when you hand your card over the counter to pay for your items, be it in your local high street or in your favourite city based shopping centre, the retailers represented through Quidco, will allow you to gain a cashback credit to your account. If this is something you would like to benefit from, be sure to remember to input these details in before you next go out shopping.
Here are a few helpful facts to help you on your way to becoming the cashback king or queen:
Firstly, remember that despite the temptation of earning cashback, it’s advisable to not get in the habit of always buying your goods from the retailers listed – as it’s always beneficial to shop around. It’s important that you try to gain the better deal, as that’s the reason for using such sites in the first place. When purchasing a more expensive item, such as holiday flights or even a car, you ought to check out a wide array of sources in order to gain the best deal available.
Secondly, do not expect instant results. You will not always gain your cashback right away as both the retailer and cashback website will need to verify the transaction – this on some occasions can take as long as 60 days.
Thirdly, keep your eye on the ball. Both Quidco and Topcashback are renowned for their proficiency and their great track record however there is always the chance that glitches may occur. If you happen to notice you haven’t received money and you should have, be certain to get in touch with the relevant support team.
Fourthly, if you happen to come across a similar site to Quidco or Topcashback that is not free, then avoid it. The one exception to this rule is Quidco – as they charge an annual fee of £5, but this money comes out of the cashback you earn and not from your bank card.
If you happen to find a site that sounds great but asks you for money upfront or requires a regular payment, be sceptical. With both Quidco and Topcashback, you can undergo the whole process of gaining money back without having to enter your card details, as Paypal can be used instead. Whilst, other sites including Shopper Discounts and Rewards, when you sign up, you are expected to pay a £10 a month membership – a cost which may not be made clear upon registering. Many people are known to have signed up without realising that £10 is being debited from their account each month – so be certain to stay vigilant and read all the T&Cs.