Wall Street Time Shift Trader

Reviewed by Richard on Oct 15
Summary: A purely mechanical system for Wall Street trading.
Wall Street Time Shift Trader allows UK traders to place trades in their lunch breaks, because of the time difference between the UK and New York, and is a purely mechanical system once you have made a few important decisions.
More people than ever are looking to trade the markets and one benefit of the time difference between the UK and New York is the ability it gives UK traders to place a trade during their lunch break, when Wall Street opens. That’s one attractive feature of a system that sells itself on the ‘time shift’. Another is the genuine simplicity of a system that’s purely mechanical once you’ve made a few important decisions. Numerous mechanical systems come and go, and they can be a good way to get into trading if you:
- Have some money to invest that you can afford to lose
- Want a system that you can ‘set and forget’ each day
- Don’t mind a losing run and ‘drawdowns’ in the hope of a net profit in the longer term
What’s This Business Opportunity All About?
Wall Street opens for business at 8.am New York time, which (for most of the year) is 1.pm in the UK. That makes it a convenient time for many UK traders to place a trade, especially if they can do so in just a few minutes each time, using a ‘mechanical’ system (one that is decided by pre-set rules rather than depending on more detailed analysis each time). Wall Street Time Shift Trader is just such a system.