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Learn From The Experts At The Property Investors Club



Price: From £8,995

Success within 6 months claimed


Title: PICMastermind
Reviewed by BizOpp Insider on Oct 19
Rating: 4.0
Summary: Intensive property training courses presented by Mark Walker, Sue Elkington and Maksoom Hussain.

Property Investors Club Mastermind is presented by 3 investors with over 70 years combined experience in property investing and is a twice-yearly course covering all the latest and most effective investment strategies available.

Property Investors Club are the people behind these intensive property training courses, presented by Mark Walker, Sue Elkington and Maksoom Hussain. Between them they have over 70 years’ experience in property investing. Although the property market has been in a lull since the credit crunch there is still money to be made if you know how and can obtain the funds. There are several courses available in the UK that will supply your property education and to find the necessary funding. Learning the latest property investing strategies could be helpful for you if you:

  • Want to get into property investing but don’t know how
  • Have already started in property but found it more difficult than you expected
  • Need to learn some new property investment strategies
  • Want to build a property portfolio and don’t have a private fortune to invest

What’s This Business Opportunity All About?
With several property investment courses available and all selling at a high price you could be forgiven for thinking we were in a property boom, rather than a slump. However, if you have access to funds, a slowdown in property prices is actually a very good time to invest. One of the things all these courses try to do is help you locate those funds or show you ways to drastically reduce the amount you need to borrow.